Sylus Green is a Gates Millennium Scholar and a the Co-Founder of The 5:30 Scholars. He is the Gandalf for gifted Black kids.


The mission of the 5:30 Scholars is to provide educational college readiness for students who aspire to graduate in the top 5% of their class and score a 30 on the ACT exam or SAT equivalent. The 5:30 Scholars Club integrates intensive math and reading programs, mentorship, community service initiatives, STEM activities, and economic development skills to foster academic success, personal development, and community-minded individuals. We offer a combination of in-person workshops and virtual academic coaching programs that allow students to meet us from anywhere in the world.



Meet Our Amazing Team

Lemi-Ola Erinkitola

Founder of The Critical Thinking Child

An author and award-winning educator, Erinkitola is deeply passionate about empowering parents and their children. Her tutoring and consulting practice, The Critical Thinking Child LLC, provides parent coaching and fosters students’ academic achievement through the advancement of cognitive brain development and critical thinking skills.

Erinkitola was featured on media outlets such as ABC News and Good Morning America.  She is also the recipient of the 2016 President Barack Obama Lifetime Achievement Award for Volunteer Services, a prestigious national award which recognizes a lifetime commitment to volunteerism. 

In 2020, Erinkitola was awarded a Global Forum for Education and Learning (GFEL) Educator of the Year award for her significant contributions to the education sector.


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